Eco Fire Lighters
Our natural firelighters are made from untreated wood wool and wax dipped from renewable wood waste.
They are very easy to light and great for using your wood fired oven, wood burning stove, fireplace or charcoal BBQ
Use our natural firelighters as you would your existing firelighter, but take joy in the fact that it will last up to 10 minutes, giving a constant long heat.
Box contains 40 pieces.
- Place the firelighters on kindling
- Light the firelighter (they burn quickly so do not hold the frielighters whilst on fire)
- Once the whole firelighter is lit, add more kindling on top to capture the flames
Store in a dry place.
You should only need 1 to light your fire unless you want to light your oven super quick!
If you are using a compressed log for your pizza oven, or a eco log, then you may want to try using 2-3 to start with and see how your eco log lights.
Sometimes adding a little kindling with these is a good idea to get the flue warm and drawing quickly.